Dear Parents,
As a parent I understand how important it is for you to be a part of your child’s education and help your child succeed. Often, parents struggle to motivate their teens to get good grades and study hard. Both parents and teens tend to get stressed out and exhausted over constantly trying to communicate and manage academic tasks.
Often times I am the third person that stops the conflict between parents and teens. I offer what I like to think of as “effective nagging” which brings parents peace of mind. Teenage years are a time of academic pressure and stress and can throw students off course even though it’s a time for opportunities for success. We work on channeling all that energy into positive opportunities. Academic Life Coaching gives students the tools and strategies they need to be successful in any subject and area of their life.
Academic coaching requires team effort. This is why throughout the process I maintain consistent communication with parents and the student. With academic coaching parents receive unlimited e-mail support, a weekly follow up phone call, as well as a detailed e-mail following every session stating what was discussed. Together we will succeed!
Please don’t hesitate to contact me so that we can start creating your student’s personal plan for success today.
Kindest Regards,
Melanie Black
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