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About Melanie Black

Melanie Black is a trained Academic Life Coach and mindfulness educator. She is passionate about helping others and learning all she can in the process. With ten years of experience in the field of education, she is determined to help students succeed in school and life. `` One of my goals is to continue to be a humanitarian who helps our local community. I am passionate about my relentless pursuit of knowledge and desire to help others.``

Building Positive Relationships with Your Teachers: A Guide for Students

Students' interactions with teachers can significantly impact their academic journey [...]

By |2024-02-21T00:29:47+00:00February 21st, 2024|Communication|Comments Off on Building Positive Relationships with Your Teachers: A Guide for Students

7 Ways Social Media is Revolutionizing Teen Volunteer Opportunities and Internships

How can social media benefit teens? In today's digital age, [...]

By |2023-10-18T14:04:14+00:00October 18th, 2023|Blog, Career Planning, Volunteering|Comments Off on 7 Ways Social Media is Revolutionizing Teen Volunteer Opportunities and Internships


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