When you educate one person you can change a life,
when you educate many you can change the world”
– Shai Reshef

Why bring Student Futures to your organization?

Universities and colleges around the United States have academic coaching programs to help students deal with the challenges that arise while attending school.  They have implemented these programs because so many students are unprepared for the challenges they experience in college and university such as the stress that comes with an increased workload. When students are unprepared they experience pressure which can lead to more serious issues such as anxiety and depression, which are major factors that affect student success. Research has found that is is critical now more than ever that students’ social emotional learning skills are developed in order for them to be successful. By equipping your teachers with the resources and techniques they need to help students be prepared for their future you help students get ahead of the game. When an educator combines their teaching skills with coaching they have the ability to create unstoppable students.

The Experience

Participants will be able to

  • Increase student engagement and motivation to learn
  • Build strong teacher – student relationships
  • Gain a clear, simple version for how SEL can be implemented into a classroom
  • Achieve a deep understanding of the benefit of social emotional learning
  • Utilize a toolbox of active engagement strategies and resources
  • Begin using strategies that empower students right away
  • Create educational experiences for students that are challenging and enriching
  • Use self-care strategies and teach them to students

The one day workshop is designed using CASEL‘s SEL competencies:



Social awareness

Relationship skills

Responsible decision-making

Through curriculum materials and experiential learning educators will attend a training where they get the help they need to design instruction that successfully reaches and teaches students these critical competencies.

At this workshop mindfulness practices for educators is introduced. The mindful practices and activities experienced in this workshop can be transferred and implemented at home, work and within the classroom.

Teachers can use this learning to create a positive and strong start to the school year. Our programs can also offer positive transitions from elementary to middle school, middle school to high school, or high school to college.

Contact us today to discuss how we can help empower your teachers and students.