This page contains a specialized collection of services to help students succeed.

  • Ask My Coach is a great place to start if you're on a limited budget, or would like to get a taste of what Academic Life Coaching is all about. I'm your coach, Melanie Black, and I'm looking forward to helping out with Ask My Coach - by Student Futures. This service starts with your Self Portrait Power Traits Assessment. I will review the results and provide two personalized letters – one to the student and one to the advocate (parent, mentor, educator, etc) with guidance and recommendations.

    Step One

    Answer a few questions you receive in your email and Take The Self-Portrait™ Power Traits Assessment from Learning Success Institute.

    Step Two

    Within moments, you will get printable results and correlated recommendations, plus downloadable guides. Your results will be reviewed by Academic Life Coach, Melanie Black, who will provide personalized recommendations in the form of two letters sent by email (one to the advocate and one to the student). Think of Melanie as your Student Success Concierge!

    Step Three

    Review your personalized letters (one to the advocate and one to the student) and embark on your journey to academic success! 
  • Join the Socratic Mastermind Group! Over the course of  8 weeks, we’ll work together weekly to learn stuff, analyze challenges, set goals, and share ideas with each other to be successful creators and leaders. Plus, we’ve got some fun activities and practical resources in mind to help stretch and encourage you along the way. We will meet weekly via Zoom, or agreed upon location. Each meeting will be 90 minutes. In this program, young leaders will build relationships and receive support from like-minded youth while receiving guidance from Academic Life Coach, Melanie Black. PLEASE COMPLETE THE CONTACT FORM BEFORE PURCHASING
  • For students 3rd grade to adult. The key to every child’s learning success, the Self-Portrait™ power traits assessment is for individuals, homeschools, classroooms, and parenting. Scoring is automatic and you get immediate, printable results and correlated recommendations, plus downloadable guides. Brought to you by Learning Success Institute.


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