“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. When you see the world as abundant and friendly, your intentions are genuine possibilities. They will, in fact, become a certainty, because your world will be experienced from the higher frequencies. In this first step, you’re receptive to a world that provides rather than restricts. You’ll see a world that wants you to be successful and abundant, rather than one that conspires against you.” – Wayne Dyer

Sometimes, we make negative assumptions, something we believe to be true without proof. For example, “My teacher hates me.” From that we go on to form a perspective about the situation consisting of several beliefs. For example, “She gives me dirty looks. She picks on me in class.” This perspective influences the student’s behavior, and they have a hard time focusing in class. The teacher calls on the student frequently to redirect their focus to the task at hand. Eventually, the student feels like their assumption is verified. They feel frustrated and unhappy in class.

What would this situation look like if we changed our negative thoughts into a positive ones?

My teacher likes me and wants me to succeed. She helps me stay on task. I am focused and working on the task at hand. I am able to get my work done. Yay!

Now, it’s your turn! Complete the exercise below changing your negative mindset into a positive one. It could be about anything from school to a relationship with a friend or family member. First, discuss the details for the area in which you have a negative mindset. Then, below reword those details to create a positive mindset. Through this exercise you will see what is possible from a positive mindset.

Negative Assumption:

Perspective/ Beliefs:

My behavior/ actions:

Results/ Outcome:

Positive Assumption:

Perspective/ Beliefs:

My behavior/ actions:

Results/ Outcome:

Was this helpful? Find more help like this in the book, Don’t Worry Be Happy, a student’s guide to less stress and more success. Learn strategies that help you keep a positive mindset, defeat your inner critic, practice mindfulness, persevere, and much more. Obtain the motivation and inspiration you need to reach your goals. Discover a new mindset for success while searching inside yourself.

Melanie Black is a trained Academic Life Coach and mindfulness educator. She is passionate about helping others and learning all she can in the process. With ten years of experience in the field of education, she is determined to help students succeed in school and life. “ One of my goals is to continue to be a humanitarian who helps our local community. I am passionate about my relentless pursuit of knowledge and desire to help others.“