play in snow

Winter break is here! Yay! High school and college students have been working hard since going back to school in August and there is no doubt that this is a well deserved break. This is an opportunity for students. A time when they can focus on school work if needed, prepare for upcoming exams, completing personal projects, make new goals, volunteer, etc. What will you focus on in the next two weeks? Click HERE for lots of fun ideas. Click HERE for study strategies to help students over the holidays. Make your plan now. You don’t have to follow it exactly but it’s still good to have some sort of plan.

Wishing you and your family a happy holiday surrounded by love and laughter.

mel professional photo by kateMelanie Black is an Associate Certified Academic Life Coach and mindfulness educator. She is passionate about helping others and learning all she can in the process. With ten years of experience in the field of education, she is determined to help students succeed in school and life. “ One of my goals is to continue to be a humanitarian who helps our local community. I am passionate about my relentless pursuit of knowledge and desire to help others.“