Empowering students to become lifelong learners is a top priority at Student Futures. My programs are designed with students’ social emotional health in mind using CASEL’s core SEL competencies.These activities can not only help students mentally prepare for any major test but also help them face various challenges may otherwise distract them from academic pursuits.
Today’s educational system is growing increasingly competitive, resulting in a stress epidemic amongst students. They must learn as much as they can, and learn it effectively. As someone who has worked closely with teens for over twelve years, I see the struggles that students are facing. Our programs are designed to help them manage the intense pressures that accompany the ambition to succeed.
Many students, especially top performers, are having trouble coping not just with the challenges of high school but also with the transition to college or university. Their social emotional learning skills and mental health are major factors affecting their success and well-being.

Top 5 reasons for counseling 2013-2017
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Relationship problem
- Stress
- Family
Research is showing that teens are not mentally prepared for college and university.
- A National Institute of Health study found that 25.1 percent of kids 13-18 in the US have been diagnosed with anxiety disorders.
- The First Year College Experience survey, conducted by Harris Poll for The JED Foundation, Partnership for Drug-Free Kids, and The Jordan Porco Foundation, found that 60 percent of freshmen said they wished they had “more help getting emotionally ready for college.
- Close to half of students report that college isn’t living up to what they expected of it and feel like everyone else but them has it figured out. For more than 3 in 4 students, college is a lot less “fun” than how it is portrayed in the media.
- Time management (73%) and independent living (50%) skills are both areas students acknowledge they need to improve.
- 2017 Center For Collegiate Mental Health’s Annual Report shows data contributed by 147 college and university counseling centers, describing 161,014 unique college students seeking mental health treatment, 3,592 clinicians, and 1,255,052 appointments. It is important to not that this data is not compiled from a survey, but actual reports, documents, etc.
Learning Objectives
Students will be able to
- Set goals and take steps to reach those goals
- Recognize that emotions can affect behavior and have physical effects.
- Recognize that emotions are temporary.
- Use effective organization and time management strategies
- Get the tools to improve concentration and focus
- Identify and analyze study skills that work best for them based on their learning style
- Communicate effectively with teachers, peers, and family
- Create system(s) to stay motivated when challenges arise
- Build confidence
- Identify problems, analyze situations, and solve problems
- Identify and demonstrate when and how to use physical activity to manage emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.
- The ability to take the perspective of and empathize with others, including those from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
- Identify strategies and create systems that help them find balance between work and school.
- Identify interests and strengths, and build on those.

Universities and colleges around the United States have academic coaching programs to help students deal with the challenges that arise while attending school. They have implemented these programs because so many students are unprepared for the challenges they experience in college and university such as the stress that comes with an increased workload. When students are unprepared they experience pressure which can lead to more serious issues such as anxiety and depression, which are major factors that affect student success. Research has found that is is critical now more than ever that students’ social emotional learning skills are developed in order for them to be successful. By giving your students the opportunity to experience the positive effects of academic coaching NOW you are helping them be better prepared for their future. Help your students get ahead of the game. They will be unstoppable!
Student will
- Understand and manage their emotions
- Set and achieve positive goals
- Study more effectively and manage test anxiety
- Feel and show empathy for others
- Establish and maintain positive relationships
- Make responsible decisions
- Have improved attitudes about self, others, and school
- Have better academic performance
- Experience reduced emotional distress